Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Group Post 8 - LAST ONE - 12/16

Today’s Blogger:
(Who is typing today?)

Today’s Facilitator:
(Who is leading the discussion today?)

Focus Questions:
(Discuss the questions below. Record your discussion for all three of the following questions.)

1. Ellis believes that "both Justine and Elizabeth have learned well the lessons of submissiveness and devotion to others that Caroline Beaufort epitomized for them. Their model behavior similarly lowers their resistance to the forces that kill them" (6). What do you think Ellis means by this? Do you agree or disagree? What does this say about society? About gender roles?

2. Ellis asserts that "[The De Laceys] are the only family that perpetuates itself into the next generation, largely because no one in it is striving for the kind of personal immortality that propels Victor and Walton out of their respective domestic Edens" (9). What does Ellis mean? Compare the De Lacey family to the Frankenstein family and the Walton family.

3. Discuss your annotations about the article. Record your discussion for at least one major point in which you agree/disagree, make connections, ask questions, etc.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Group Post 7 - 12/15

Today’s Blogger:
(Who is typing today?)

Today’s Facilitator:
(Who is leading the discussion today?)

Discuss both articles. You will answer all questions below.

Article 1 (Asquith): Discuss the following questions. Record your discussion.

1. In the second paragraph, Asquith begins to discuss the "complex narrative structure." Discuss how the story would be different if it was told from an omniscient narrator or another character? How would the characters and/or events be different if it was told in a different way? What did you like/dislike about the framing of Frankenstein?

2. Asquith asserts that "Walton and Frankenstein are soul mates" (2). Why does Asquith believe this to be true? Why do you agree or disagree?

Article 2 (Shelley): Discuss the following question and record your discussion.

3. “Treat a person ill, and he will become wicked. Requite affection with scorn; - let one being be selected, for whatever cause, as the refuse of his kind - divide him, a social being, from society, and you impose upon him the irresistible obligations - malevolence and selfishness. It is thus that, too often in society, those who are best qualified to be its benefactors and its ornaments, are branded by some accident with scorn, and changed, by neglect and solitude of heart, into a scourge and a curse.”

What does this mean? Agree/disagree? What do you think about nature vs. nurture? Check out the following info: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nature_versus_nurture

4. Discuss your annotations about the second article. Record your discussion for at least one major point in which you agree/disagree, make connections, ask questions, etc.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Group Post 6 - 12/12

Today’s Blogger:
(Who is typing today?)

Today’s Facilitator:

(Who is leading the discussion today?)

Discuss both articles. You will answer at least three questions total.

Article 1 (Hustis): Discuss the following questions. Record your discussion for at least two.

1. If necessary, use the internet to help you answer the following questions: Who is Prometheus in Greek mythology? What did he create? What did he steal? Who was mad and punished him? Explain how Hustis views the juxtaposition of the Greek myth with the Shelley’s Frankenstein and how she believes “Shelley innovatively problematizes the moral conflict between Zeus and Prometheus” (2).

2. Reread the last paragraph on page 4 (it continues onto the top of page 5). Discuss the following quote, “The modernity of Shelley’s Prometheus figure is illustrative of how, when Promethean pity is overlooked in favor of appeals to justice, “fairness” can become little more than a means of denying involvement in the problems of others, even when those “others” are the creator’s own progeny” (5). What do you think this means? Agree/disagree?

3. Agree or disagree – “Creativity can never be conceived of as a singular train of thought or a solitary impulse. Instead, creation is always an associative or nurturing act: a creator recognizes the inherent capabilities of his/her progeny (whether that progeny takes the form of a child, an idea, or a monster) and moulds and fashions it in the context most suitable for its development and success” (7).

If time allows, talk about your annotations. Record your discussion for at least one major point in which you agree/disagree, make connections, ask questions, etc.

Article 2 (Millhauser): Discuss the following question and record your discussion.

1. In literature, the noble savage is: “an idealized concept of uncivilized man, who symbolizes the innate goodness of one not exposed to the corrupting influences of civilization” (http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/416988/noble-savage). Discuss the monster as a noble savage. Why does he fit this archetype? Agree or disagree - “This aspect of the monster’s character is basically unnecessary to the horror-plot” (2).

If time allows, talk about your annotations. Record your discussion for at least one major point in which you agree/disagree, make connections, ask questions, etc.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Group Post 5 - 12/10

Today’s Blogger:
(Who is typing today?)

Today’s Facilitator:
(Who is leading the discussion today?)

Important Events:
(List the important events from each chapter of the reading you did for today. Talk about the significance of these events.)

Ch. 22
Ch. 23
Ch. 24 and letters

Important Passages:
(List at least one important passage from the reading you did for today. Talk about the significance of this passage.)

Focus Questions:
(Discuss the questions below. Record your discussion for at least three of the following questions.)

1. It is sometimes said that the key to living a responsible and happy life is to balance intellectual and emotional pursuits. What does this mean to you? How is this reflected in the novel? What are the positive and negative consequences of relying more on your intellect than your emotions?

2. Discuss the two letters from Elizabeth (chapter 6 and chapter 22). How are they similar/different? Why? How does she address Victor? When were the letters written? Which one is more optimistic? In the second letter, do you think she knows more than meets the eye?

3. Discuss Victor’s decision to leave Elizabeth on their wedding night. Victor expected the creature to attack, so why did he leave her alone? How do Victor and his family react to Elizabeth’s death? How is this a significant event?

4. Discuss the following passage: “Do so, if you will; but I will not. You may give up your purpose, but mine is assigned to me by Heaven and I dare not. I am weak; but surely the spirits who assist my vengeance will endow me with sufficient strength.” Why has Walton decided to turn around? What is Victor’s response? After Victor collapses, he asks Walton to do what? Why do you think Walton does not fulfill Victor’s request?

5. Throughout the book, Victor is seen as a weak and inefficient man whose passivity generates only suffering and death. He also is flawed in that he has an inability to change and an inability to see the truth. Discuss these statements and give examples from the text.

6. Over and over again the monster blames his transformation from a benevolent being into a murderer on humanity’s lack of compassion. Discuss your opinion of his remarks at the end of the novel. What do you think of the monsters side of the story?

Extra Time – Discussion Notes:
(Record any additional discussion. What did you find most interesting? Did you disagree about anything? Was something important realized? What literary terms did you discuss? What do you think about the characters and their actions? ETC…)

Monday, December 8, 2008

Group Post 4 - 12/8

Today’s Blogger:
(Who is typing today?)

Today’s Facilitator:
(Who is leading the discussion today?)

Important Events:(List the important events from each chapter of the reading you did for today. Talk about the significance of these events.)

Ch. 18
Ch. 19
Ch. 20
Ch. 21

Important Passages:
(List at least one important passage from the reading you did for today. Talk about the significance of this passage.)

Focus Questions:
(Discuss the questions below. Record your discussion for at least four of the following questions.)

1.Discuss Victor’s creation of the female creature. What keeps him from completing it? In your opinion, why does the creature direct his revenge to Victor’s wedding?

2. How does Victor become lost at sea? What happens when he lands in Ireland? Why does he call himself Henry Clerval’s murderer? Were you expecting Henry’s death?

3. Throughout the book, Shelley creates a feeling of suspense. Find three examples of this and explain how/why they create this feeling.

4. Discuss the parallels between William’s death and Henry’s death. How are they similar? How does Victor feel, react, etc.? Discuss the consequences Victor faces because of his creation.

5. What responsibilities does Victor, as the creator, have toward his monster? Does lack of parental love and support justify revenge or attempting to seize that love no matter what the cost? Should the monster ultimately be held responsible for his crimes?

Extra Time – Discussion Notes:
(Record any additional discussion. What did you find most interesting? Did you disagree about anything? Was something important realized? What literary terms did you discuss? What do you think about the characters and their actions? ETC…)

Friday, December 5, 2008

Group Post 3 - 12/5

Today’s Blogger:
(Who is typing today?)

Today’s Facilitator:
(Who is leading the discussion today?)

Important Events:
(List the important events from each chapter of the reading you did for today. Talk about the significance of these events.)

Ch. 15
Ch. 16
Ch. 17

Important Passages:
(List at least one important passage from the reading you did for today. Talk about the significance of this passage.)

Focus Questions:
(Discuss the questions below. Record your discussion for question 1 and at least two additional questions.)

You MUST answer this question:
1. Gothic novels take place in gloomy or eerie settings, such as old castles or dark mansions, and emphasize horror, mystery, violence, and the supernatural. Gothic novels, read mainly for entertainment, were especially popular in England in the early 1800s. While Frankenstein is sometimes considered the first science fiction novel rather than a gothic novel, it certainly contains gothic features. What gothic features have you noticed so far? Spend a few minutes visiting this site:
http://www.virtualsalt.com/gothic.htm, and then record your discussion.

Record your discussion for at least two of the following:

1. In chapter 15, what does the monster learn about, question, and not understand from the three books he reads. Discuss each book.

2. As the monster learns and gains more knowledge, how does he feel about himself? What does he want to do? What holds him back? How could gaining more knowledge about something have similar consequences in your own life?

3. Describe the monster’s emotions in chapter 16. What does he set out to do? At this point in the book, discuss your feelings toward Victor and the monster. When and for whom do you feel pity? Discuss Victor’s decision to leave the monster in the first place.

4. Discuss the use of fire so far in the book. When has the monster encountered fire? What has he learned about it? How has he helped and hurt the De Laceys related to fire? How is fire both creative and destructive? How does the monster have “fire” on the inside?

5. Discuss the monster’s arguments for Victor to create a female companion. Discuss Victor’s arguments against it. Why does Victor ultimately agree? What do you think about this decision? How have their roles reversed because of the monster’s revenge?

Extra Time – Discussion Notes:
(Record any additional discussion. What did you find most interesting? Did you disagree about anything? Was something important realized? What literary terms did you discuss? What do you think about the characters and their actions? ETC…)

Discuss the sticky notes your group members wrote for today.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Group Post 2 - 12/3

Today’s Blogger:
(Who is typing today?)

Today’s Facilitator:
(Who is leading the discussion today?)

Important Events:
(List the important events from each chapter of the reading you did for the chapters 8-14. Talk about the significance of these events.)

Important Passages:
(List at least two important passages from chapters 8-14. Talk about the significance of these passages.)

Focus Questions:
(Discuss all of the questions below. Record your discussion/answer for at least two prompts/questions.)

1. Discuss Justine’s “guilt” and trial. Why were many who knew Justine hesitant to come forward on her befall? Why didn’t Elizabeth’s appeal sway the crowd and, in fact, make everything worse? Why did Justine confess her guilt?

2. Explain why Victor calls himself the “true murderer.” Do you agree or disagree? What could he have done differently? How did Victor, Elizabeth, and Victor’s father respond to the Justine’s death? Discuss and explain their reactions.

3. Describe how the creature learns from the family who lives in the cottage. Why is he drawn to the family? Discuss what else he learns besides language and reading (about relationships, love, labor, etc.).

4. In what ways is the monster’s education like that of a woman during Shelley’s time? Think about the self-education, how they learned, and what types of learning they had access to. What points may Shelley have been trying to make?

5. What realizations does the monster come to in chapter 13? What does he question? How does he feel? Discuss this part of the book and your reactions to it.

6. Discuss Safie’s role in the story. How does she know the De Lacey’s? Compare her to Justine and Elizabeth.

Extra Time – Discussion Notes:
(Record any additional discussion. What did you find most interesting? Did you disagree about anything? Was something important realized? What literary terms did you discuss? What do you think about the characters and their actions? ETC…)